Frequently Asked Questions

How much are the HOA dues?
As of January 1st 2023 HOA dues will be increasing to $230 every month. Please see the recent news post for more information. Dues Payment Coupons 

When are the HOA dues due?
The first of every month.

When are the HOA dues late?
Payment is considered late if it is received after the 10th of the month. We use the date received, not the date postmarked.

What is the late fee?

What is the Administrative Collection Fee?
The fee is $25.

Can I pay my dues with auto draft?
No. There are 3 options for payment:
1. By check — mailed or dropped off at the Equity office.
2. By money order — mailed or dropped off at the Equity office.
3. Bill pay through your bank. A check is mailed; make sure you allow enough time for delivery.

Do I need to write anything on my check?
Yes. Mark your check with “WW#____” (your unit #). Please make the check payable to Waterwood Townhomes.

Do I need to fill out the Owner & Resident Information sheet every time I get one?
Only if information has changed or if the form has been revised.

What do my HOA dues cover?
HOA Coverages

What do my HOA dues NOT cover?
HOA Coverages

I lost my mailbox key / My mailbox key doesn’t work. What do I do?
The key and lock is your responsibility. You can call a locksmith or have a handy man fix it.